Would you agree that our thoughts are like the steering wheel and tires of our lives? Where they, our action or inaction, will certainly follow. Thinking back to when I read Carol S. Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, which deeply explored the concept of a fixed vs. a growth mindset, has led me to nudge us to take internal inventory to determine if we need make a shift our mindsets to drive growth toward success.
Our mindset is the foundation of our success. The way we think shapes our actions, and our actions determine our results. If I were to put a weight on a fixed verses growth mindset, the goal would be for us to develop a strong growth mindset for sure, and here's how:
Challenge Yourself: Replace "I can’t" with "It's worth my effort"
Focus on the Process: Celebrate progress, not just outcomes. Even baby steps count. Progress is progress.
Surround Yourself with Positivity: Seek mentors, friends, or content that uplifts and motivates you.
So, What Holds Us Back?
Ever heard of the term limiting belief? It is a thought or assumption that holds us back from reaching our full potential. It’s that inner voice that whispers, "You can’t," even when everything in front of you says you absolutely can.
We tend to have a fear of failure, avoiding taking risks for fear making a misstep or mistake, not acknowledging that it is okay if either occurs. Failure is really just feedback which makes room for learning and growth.
The way perfectionism can hold us back is unmatched. We can spend so much time striving for flawlessness or awaiting the perfect time, not realizing that this tends to lead to burnout and procrastination.
In my opinion, one of the biggest things that can hold us back is negative self-talk. That inner toxic voice of of doubt. You know, the one where you continue to tell yourself "I’ll never be good at this." or "No one will ever support me."
Let's agree to stop being our own worst critic and take action to shift our mindsets.
Where to start?
This week, write down one limiting belief that you recognize that you have and reframe it.
For example: reframe the thought that “I’m bad at public speaking” to “I’m learning to formulate my words to convey a clear message that will help me to communicate more effectively and captivate my audience.”
Let's get to mindset shifting,
Coach Brandy
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From Dr. Maya Angelou https://youtu.be/7Da67pGqPJ0?si=vgh9mfPMcnGlZ8eM
I absolutely love the emphasis on celebrating progress over outcomes and reframing language positively—this resonates so much with my journey.
Since moving to Charlotte, I’ve wrestled with the fear of failure. Transitioning from NYC to a new environment was a big adjustment. Back in NYC, I successfully ran an art studio for children and a homeschool co-op, and I wanted to recreate that magic here. But I quickly realized that Charlotte’s needs and dynamics were different, and I had to adapt. That fear of low interest in what I was offering held me back for a while.
Eventually, I decided to change my perspective and just take the plunge. I’m thrilled to share that I’m opening my CoLearning Collective for…
This is excellent advice